How to become a better student


Sophomore Kadielynn Nelson reads her book in the library. Students should try to be productive by reading instead of going on their phones.

 As we get to the middle of the school year, some students are still struggling in class. School can become more difficult for students when they don’t prepare themselves for success. Many students lack motivation when it comes to homework or in class assignments. Students are  encouraged to seek help when needed. 

Some things that may help students become a better student are stated below: 

  • Setting time everyday to work on homework. Trying to keep the time consistent each day. Later, students will be able to get into the habit of doing homework that time without setting a reminder. 
  • Let someone know that you’re struggling with the school work. Get help from someone you know, whether that be a friend, classmate, or a parent. 
  • When doing homework, make sure students give themselves time to have a small break between working and make sure they are not overwhelmed. 
  • Go to assigned 8th hour and consult with any teachers about homework, do not be afraid to ask teachers.
  • Ask questions in class and email teachers for additional help outside of the classroom. 
  • Consider a study group with classmates, whether that be with friends or with students that have that same class. 
  • Making sure you’re always prepared for class and checking if your school work is done before school.  

Students may prepare themselves for school in a variety of ways.

 Sophomore Nora Truedson states that “the thing that helps prepare me for success would be staying organized throughout the year and keeping a balance between school and outside activities.”

  One way to do that is to have a planner or another method to organize assignments 

“Umm I always made sure to have my assignments I needed to do written down. I think the biggest thing was using the class time I was given to complete my assignments,” said Senior Alecia Garcia. 

  Students should always put school first pushing their boundaries for success. It is hard for students to get into the role of actually doing school work, but it pays off once you get into the hang of things.