Tips for the perfect prom-posal

  When making the decision of who you are taking to prom, you have to consider a plan on how to ask them. Your promposal should be appropriate to the person you plan on asking. 

  Since you’re asking them to prom, you should know what they like and what they don’t. With their likes and dislikes, you can come up with a theme to ask them. Some examples of themes for how to ask include things like their sports, hobbies, favorite shows/movies etc. Once you’ve made that decision, you have to decide where and how you plan on doing it. The most classic way is with a poster, but the poster itself is just the baseline. You can put together a basket of their favorite snacks, bring flowers, etc. to go along with whatever the theme you decide on. 

  Senior Libbi Kendrick says that her ideal promposal “would include a funny poster and her favorite candy.”

  You should consider whether the person you are asking is going to like the attention of a public proposal or if they would enjoy something more private. Personally, my favorite proposal that I’ve ever received was done at this years’ homecoming pre-assembly. For me a big crowd was not an issue, however this might not be for everyone. 

   Your proposal should be done in a timely manner. Waiting until the last minute to do a promposal can be bad for several reasons. You should give the person you’re asking plenty of time to be able to prepare for prom after being asked. 

  Junior Aliya Gutierrez describes her proposal as “very unique and made me laugh.” Junior Israel Grande proposed to Aliya while she was completing her anatomy test. Grande entered the classroom playing “The Cha Cha Slide” with a poster that read “since you dance how about we get funky and cha cha slide to prom” this was perfect for Aliya considering she was a key member of the SHS poms team.

The perfect promposal will take a lot of preparation, so now is the time to start taking every aspect into consideration. Overall it is relatively easy to have a successful promposal, as long as you put just a tad bit of thought into the process.