Before the new year, the 2025 Prom Committee worked on numerous fundraisers such as the cookie dough fundraiser and Sunday Showdown football game to help raise money for prom.
The cookie dough fundraiser was held from November 17 through December 2. This fundraiser was organized by prom committee chair Gavin Fischer. The Sunday Showdown event was held at the Factory Pub n’ Grub hosted by junior class parents. Both of these fundraisers did well and helped the committee be financially secure.
Besides the fundraisers, Fischer hosted a subcommittee meeting to come up with ideas to promote and furthermore raise money overall. Marketing is in charge of the prom Instagram where they find ideas to hype students for upcoming prom and to promote fundraisers. Business outreach is in charge of finding local businesses to help donate to our prom fund. They also have a team for decorations and music.
Gavin Fischer added, “Currently, we are trying to partner with local businesses to provide either monetary donations or gift baskets to raffle.”
For the month of January, the prom committee leader and class officers continue to meet together to talk about ideas of fundraisers being brought to the prom meetings. To help the junior class the senior class officers also come to the meetings to also help better fundraisers to help their senior prom.
As the countdown for prom comes closer, there will be two nights at Pizza Ranch and Culver’s in March. The committee will be at both helping pass out food. From there, the committee will be doing storage cleanouts and shopping for decorations for prom itself and post prom. Along with the money they raise from each fundraiser and donations that will determine the price of the prom tickets.
The prom committee meets every other Wednesday to continue brainstorming ideas to make this prom exciting for all.