“No buy” January has been a popular trend throughout the world due to the current economic status. This consists of committing to not buying any non-essential items for the entire month of January. Some people even plan to extend this through the entire year, and instead attempt a “no buy” year.
Most people commit to a “no buy” January because of the benefits of a more organized lifestyle and significantly saving money. A “no buy” January can help to appreciate what you have, and become mindful of your spending habits throughout the rest of the year, or maybe even life.
Senior Kayleigh Bentz, who is participating in “no buy” January, suggests to “stay away from stores like malls to stop temptation.”
While some people might think a complete “no buy” month might be extreme, there are other options to significantly lower individual consumption. For example, some people recommend when considering buying new non-essential items to get rid of a product as well.
Many people are not considering a “no buy” January because shopping is a major hobby. If shopping is a major part of your life, a complete “no buy” January can seem drastic.
Senior Madeline Malooly is not participating because “I really enjoy my little treats at the end of each week. I work really hard and I am motivated by the fun of buying my reward at the end of a tough week.”
While a “no buy” January isn’t for everyone, those participating can significantly improve their lives with product consumption. Good luck to anyone attempting a “no buy” January and for those not participating, maybe look into and consider the idea for the future.