Owning a business is difficult at any age, but even more so as a high school student. Kukowski LawnCare is a business idea that was made by junior Landon Kukowski. Kukowski started this business at the end of school last year. Once Kukowski got his license at the end of May 2024, he began his journey to his business.
Kukowski does gutter cleaning, pressure washing, snow removal, mowing, trimming, and remodeling houses from the outside. To get a hold of Kukowski LawnCare, Kukowski created a Facebook page and he can also be reached by his number, which is 815-499-9764.
Along the way to owning his own business, Kukowski relied on those around him.
Kukowski stated, “My dad helped me out a lot with getting clients and I hired a couple of friends from school throughout the summer to help me with mowing, tree trimming, and remodeling the outsides of houses.”
Kukowski didn’t just rely on his family to help get him started but his friends as well.
One of Kukowski’s best friends, sophomore Elian Rascon, agreed to help Kukowski. Rascon said, “I decided to help Landon because I know that if I would, both of us would be benefiting and it would be fun.”
One of the reasons Kukowski started this business in the summer was to profit and gain money before school started. He also did this in the summer because he has multiple sports and doesn’t have enough time during school to get all his work done. Kukowski made good use of the opportunity to get clients over the summer and kept building his clientele.
Kukowski stated, “I had to spend a decent amount of money to get started but in the summer I was able to pay it off with all the work I had.”
Kukowski LawnCare is a great way to get your yard or area around the house cleaned up.