As the Sterling High School cheerleaders finish their homecoming routine, they are now preparing for their annual cheer kiddie camp. The S.H.S. cheerleaders come together with kids ages kindergarten-8th grade teaching them basic skills, cheers, and stunts.
The kiddie camp’s theme this year is “Cheer for a Cure.” The fee for the camp is thirty dollars for four days of practicing cheers, stunts, dance, and team building. The camp days are October 15 to the 17 for practices. Kids will perform their routine they practiced during halftime of that week’s junior varsity football game on October 18th.
The idea for kiddie camp is raising money for the cheer fund, but for this year it is to also fundraise for the Pink Heals Foundation. Besides fundraising with the money we get from the camp itself, families of the cheerleaders are making a basket for each grade level to be raffled off at the game. This money made from the baskets goes towards the pink heals foundation.
Head cheer coach Laci Halverson stated, “I wanted to come up with a way to fundraise for us and also for a great cause.”
Things the Cheerleaders learned to do differently from last year’s kiddie camp was to limit the amount of kids signing up. This year’s deadline to register is October 4. To also limit the number of kids in one space, we are splitting up each grade’s practice time. Grades K-2 practice from 4:00-5:00 p.m., 3rd-5th grade practice between 5:15-6:15 p.m., and 6th-8th grade practice from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Practices will be held in the S.H.S. cafeteria for three days then on performance day parents will drop their child off in the S.H.S. fieldhouse.
Senior Kiera Krepfle added, “I hope to have fun with everyone and make sure every participant enjoys the camp.”
The cheerleaders plan for each grade’s performance is to do one to two cheers and a small dance routine with a song. Children involved will also receive a cheer shirt with the theme, and a bow. They will all wear this the day of the performance and they are also encouraged to add more accessories to their outfits.
The S.H.S. cheerleaders are continuing to plan this fun event to make sure every child has fun and returns the following year. Go! Fight! Cheer!