Have you ever questioned the hype on Stanley cups or wondered if you should invest in one? Well they’re the real deal. Many people wonder why they are so popular but what is there really to question? They are so popular because of their durability and insolation and they are available in a large variety of colors, sizes, and styles. They are built with rugged stainless steel to endure any type of drink from hot to cold and make it last for hours.
Sophomore Averie Burkett said, “I love my Stanley because it keeps my ice cold for a long time and keeps my coffee hot.”
What makes Stanley cups different from any other cup you may ask? Well, the popularity of this cup primarily comes from the fact it keeps your drinks preserved for so long but also because of the size of the cup. Many stainless steel cups are too small, too big, or don’t hold iced or hot drinks for long periods of time which makes them so famous. Stanley’s has been a business since 1913, but started to circulate more on popular social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.
Stanley cups were one of the top asked gifts for Christmas across the world from many teens.
Junior Kendyll Anderson said, “I love my new Stanley because it is hot pink and it was my favorite Christmas gift!” Despite the popularity of these cups, they are definitely more on the pricey side. The tumbler cups retail anywhere from $45 to $55 depending on the size and style.
The famous cups have even become a collector item because of the large variety of colors. Many love that it can hold up to 40 ounces of any liquid and still manage to fit in cup holders and on desktops. Many students keep these handy during the school day to stay hydrated.
Overall the cup is well worth it, and you definitely get your money’s worth.