Some people believe that they don’t need a resolution for the new year. Some people want to keep the old them and think they do not need to change. On the other hand, some people strongly believe in “New year, new me” and choose to partake in resolutions.
Resolutions are a way for people to stay on track and keep to the same task all year. The task can be as simple as reading a specific amount of books, cutting out those unnecessary carbs, or finally going to bed on time. No matter how big or small the task, as long as your new year’s resolution is personalized to you, then you have yourself a new years resolution.
Social studies teacher Tyler Guamer chose to set a resolution this year. His resolution is “to be healthier than he was last year.” His goal is to do some of the little things better than he did last year, such as do his workout more, drink more water, and just focus on how to better himself.
The resolution of being healthier seems like a simple one to try. Like Mr. Gaumer said, you could go as simple as drinking more water to help out your body or you could run a specific distance everyday. Whatever you choose to do, you just have to make sure it’s something that you believe in.
However, you do not have to set a resolution. Some tend to think that they are unneeded, useless, or a way to make people feel bad for not achieving their goal. Some also just don’t know what they want as a resolution but still choose to complete tasks throughout the year.
Social studies teacher Christopher Lacy has chosen not to set a resolution this year. Lacy said, “I never felt that it was necessary to have one.” This is a common belief amongst many of the people in the world. It is not a need in life to have a resolution, it is just a want to have it.
If you do not have a resolution don’t let that stop you from completing little goals throughout the year. If you do have a resolution, good luck!