On December 19, 2023, a brand new book to television show adaptation premiered on DisneyPlus: “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” or “PJO” for short. “PJO” releases a new episode every Tuesday at 8 p.m. CST, with the season one finale premiering January 30. The premiere of “PJO” was highly anticipated since the very first announcement of the show way back in May of 2020.
The first season of the show, thus far, follows the story of Percy Jackson, a demigod, as he navigates a difficult quest to retrieve Zeus’ “Master Bolt” with help from his friends Annabeth Chase, fellow demigod; and Grover Underwood, a “satyr.”
From the premiere of the first episode, the show has been received enthusiastically by old fans who read the series when it came out as well as new fans who haven’t necessarily read the books, but are still interested in the show. “PJO” has been staying relatively book-accurate, with a few minor changes, which has made the watching experience more enjoyable for all fans.
One thing that many fans can agree on is that the show is far better than the Percy Jackson movies that were released in 2010 and 2013. The “PJO” show is better written and produced than the movies and much more accurate to the original storyline written by Rick Riordan.
In my opinion, I really enjoy the show so far. Between the casting, the characterization, the writing, the accuracy, and the additional bits and attention to detail, I am always looking forward to watching the next episode when it comes out. There are; however, a few things from the first book that I wish we would’ve seen in the show. Nonetheless, I’m personally excited to see how this season will conclude and how the next season will turn out.
I would highly recommend “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” to anyone, whether they’ve read the books or not. I think it’s a great show that can teach really important lessons about family, friendships, and discovering your own identity. Also if you do enjoy the show, then I would recommend reading the book series as well!