Homecoming week is known throughout America as one of the most exciting weeks of the school year for high school students. Every day brings something new and exciting. There are so many memories to make and activities to participate in.
Starting off with a bang on September 29, S.H.S. held their annual preassembly. In years prior, this assembly consisted of games for students to participate in and weekly announcements so everyone was up-to-date on the week’s festivities.
Starting off the week on Monday, we only have senior sunrise going on for seniors to kick off their last homecoming week. On Tuesday, S.H.S. is hosting an all school picnic and yearbook pick up. This is located in the cul-de-sac and is a great time to talk and chat with others. There will be multiple food trucks out during this time for kids and staff to have a great lunch!
The following day, S.H.S. is hosting the 10th annual numbers ball games and a bonfire after school hours on the softball field after the games have concluded. Numbers ball is a fun and exciting way to have fun with your friends and classmates, and is an event that really brings the student body together. It always seems to get a little out of hand, which is a big part of why it is so fun. After the games have concluded, students have the option to head over to the softball field for music and dancing.
On Thursday the 5th, outside on the football field, there will be the post assembly. This is similar to the pre-assembly in that more games will be played and more announcements for the rest of the week will come out. The assembly will start at 2:00.
To wrap up the homecoming school week, on Friday the 6th the parade and football game will conclude the week. Each sport and club will have their own float in the parade, and it’s a great way to get your candy fix before Halloween. Finally, the S.H.S. football team will take on Quincy for the Homecoming game!
Saturday is the Big Day! Students get all dressed up to go take pictures and go out to eat. Afterwards they head to the high school for the dance.
The students of S.H.S. are grateful for what the student council has done. Everyone gets to come together to have a great night at the end of the week!