S.H.S. anatomy class visits cadaver lab

  Sterling High School’s anatomy class will once again be visiting National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Ill., to study cadavers for their lab. 

  Science teacher Nicole Schlemmer will take two lucky groups on both Friday, February 24 and Thursday, March 9. There are two dates this year because of the large number of students that took the class, and there is a maximum of 50 students that can be in the lecture hall room of NUHS. 

  Junior Brecken Peterson said, “I am looking forward to seeing what the inside appendages of a body actually looks like.”

  The purpose of this field trip is to provide students with hands-on experience navigating the human body. The anatomy class spends the entire school year looking at the major body systems so it’s a great opportunity for the students to view a real human body, in addition to the 3D experience they’ve had with the new Anatomage table and the dissection of various specimens throughout the year.

   Junior Andre Klaver said, “I am looking forward to applying the things I am learning in class to real life. It will be interesting to see the anatomy of a body in real life.” 

  This is such a nice opportunity for students, even for students who aren’t going into the medical field, because they still will get to view and touch a cadaver. This has been an ongoing field trip since Nicole Schlemmer began teaching at S.H.S., except for the last two years that were lost due to the pandemic and the university not allowing the field trip.  Schlemmer is very enthusiastic to take her class to the university again for the seventh time in her career.

  Anatomy students are excited about the opportunity for this experience and know that it will help with their understanding of the body even more.