Entertainment Review: “Harry & Meghan”

  “Harry & Meghan” is a newly-added Netflix documentary that is about the struggles Prince Harry and Meghan Markle faced over the course of their relationship. The new season includes six episodes, each being approximately an hour long. Netflix is a subscription-based platform with the cheapest plan being $9.99/month.

  One of the most notable things about the documentary is how they did not shy away from talking about the severe racism Meghan faced from the public. This documentary also dove into the racist history associated with The Royal Family.

  The discussion of mental health and the severity of Meghan’s experiences was eye-opening for viewers. 

  At times it was hard to follow due to it bouncing around from many different subjects but as the series progressed, it became more chronological.

  The reason why Harry and Meghan wanted to create this documentary was to tell their truth and not have the media take over these stories that are only half, if at all, true. They did a very good job of capturing everything the media has put out there about them and showing what they were thinking behind the scenes.

  “Harry & Meghan” is not a documentary that should be compared to others. This documentary does not really matter how good the “material” is since there is no other true story quite like it. 

  The show is a hit as it is very interesting to see just how much the media will take a simple fact or story and completely give it a whole new meaning. At the time, Harry and Meghan did not have a voice to use, as they were constantly told not to say anything or make any sort of statement.

  Throughout the series, they do not solely focus on their relationship. They mention Princess Diana, the Queen, U.K. politics, Meghan’s own family relations, and many other different concepts. 

  This is something you should watch if you are at least a little bit interested about the history of the royal family or just generally like documentaries. It also gives you a real example of even if people seem okay, they still have many challenging issues they can go through on a daily basis.