Crucial steps to take after being accepted

  Congratulations, you have been accepted to college! You may be wondering about the next steps. Luckily for you, here is a list of the top six vital things you should be doing now that you are accepted.

  1. Weigh your options and continue to take a deep dive into the colleges that you are considering

It is a great feeling to be accepted into a college you are interested in, but a big tip is to not disregard the other colleges that have interest in you! A great step to choosing the right college for you is to research, research, and do more research! Although a college may look appealing on paper, the more you find out about it, the more you may realize that a smaller two-year community college might be right for you. Or, who knows, maybe a huge university would suffice. It all just depends on what you’re comfortable with, and of course, what you’re wanting out of your college experience. It is also vital to ask questions when considering multiple colleges because there may be a perceived bias on a college that might not be all that great to you. This is why it is important to do your research and ask questions to find out what works for you. It is helpful to ask questions such as: Does this college have my intended major? Can I have a car on campus? And, What clubs and organizations could I be involved in on campus? 

  1.   Visit/Revisit the College 

Visiting colleges is also an imperative part in the process of choosing the perfect college. Senior, Caitlin Williamson said, “Visiting colleges has made my decision clearer to me, because you get the experience of being in the school and seeing where you could possibly be attending.” You want to look for things such as dorm size, and how far it may take you to walk from one end of the campus to the other. You may be asking, why is this important to look into? Well, it may be good to know how far the walking distance is from one of your classes to another. Another aspect to consider and look out for when visiting a college is if you love the campus. Pictures can be deceiving, so it is very important to see if you personally find the campus beautiful. The opinions of others such as family, friends, and acquaintances do matter, but their opinions should not determine your final choice. It matters if you think it is a good fit, and if you could possibly see yourself going there. 

  1.   Communicate with advisors’ counselors about financial aid 

More than likely, a college’s admissions counselor will reach out to you regarding information about financial aid. Now that this opportunity arose, use it to reach out via email or cell phone to communicate with your personal advisor about financial aid. This is crucial because not only could this information make or break your decision, it also gives you the opportunity to ask additional questions that you may not find on the website. Though, after looking into your personal financial grants, it is necessary to compare the money schools are giving you. It is also nice to feel connected with other people at your dream school. This is a greater way to be involved with your future schooling. 

  1.   Apply for Scholarships (Local and School Specific) 

Even if you get a full ride scholarship to your dream school (which by the way is awesome!), you should still utilize this method to get more money towards necessities, such as electronics and other school supplies. Although, don’t be down if your entire tuition is not paid for, there are many ways to help get this hefty price lowered. It is possible to have scholarships granted to you via check or straight towards your tuition. It is as easy as sitting down with your counselor and asking for advice on how to get started with the scholarship application process. While yes, this can be a bit time consuming to write another essay, but think about it. This is your future and your debt. It is absolutely necessary to apply for scholarships. It’s free money! You can contact Mrs. Francis to gain more information about scholarships at [email protected]

  1.   Consider location/Consider ALL outside factors (if you plan on playing a sport-or how far you want to move from home) 

Now that the stressful process of choosing the perfect college is near the end, it is now time to think of big factors that will determine your ideal college. It is key to ask yourself: how far away from home am I willing to be? Are there any other options I could use that would benefit my financial situation? and, Am I really willing to be on my own in a few short months? Sauk is a great option for students that are unsure of which big university or college they want to attend. Although, it is definitely great for some students to have the time and space away from home in order to grow and prosper. Senior Ellie Leigh said, “location matters to me, because I didn’t want to be too far away, but I also wanted to be far enough away to need a dorm. I wanted the full college experience. I am leaning toward a college in Missouri because it has the major I want, and I will be playing softball for the school as well. I like the location of the college because it overlooks the Mississippi and the campus buildings are all within walking distance.” 

  1.   Choose your college! 

Congratulations! You are now set on where you want to go, but remember there is always room to make changes, and even go down an entirely different path. College is flexible, and moldable to fit each person’s needs. Remember to make the most out of your experience and like Michele Ruiz said, “If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.”