Music you should listen to now

5SOS5 is an album you should be listening to. The song shown is the first track on the album.

  Music is something that will continuously evolve and maybe not live up to everyone’s taste. There is, however, really good stuff that you maybe have not found yet.

  A new album that was recently released on September 23, 2022, was “5SOS5” by 5 Seconds 

of Summer. They have been a band for ten years and it is their fifth studio album. Highlights of the album are “Bad Omens,” “Caramel,” and “Easy For You to Say.” Those are just some of the best songs, the album was also produced by one of the members, Michael Clifford, and the album is classified as pop rock.

  Another album you should be listening to is “Punisher” by Phoebe Bridgers. It is her second studio album and has one of the most memorable songs “I Know the End,” which has a huge build-up to an explosion at the end of the song. The album was released on June 17, 2020 and is classified as Indie Rock. Another Indie genre album you should be listening to is “Home Video” by Lucy Dacus. This is her most recent album and has amazing openers like “Hot & Heavy” and includes other stunners like “Triple Dog Dare,” “Christine,” and “Thumbs.”

  If you prefer the Folk genre there are albums like “I don’t know who needs to hear this…” by Tomberlin and “Either/Or” by Elliot Smith. Tomberlin dives deep into different feelings and is just overall very emotional. Some memorable songs are “Happy Accident,” “Unsaid,” and “Sunstruck.” Elliot Smith’s “Either/Or” was made in 1997 and he was a huge inspiration for Phoebe Bridgers. The album has amazing songs like “2:45 AM,” “Ballad of Big Nothing,” and “Pictures Of Me.”

  If you are looking for more modern-day rock, this is not the article for you since most are not that good, or it is a subcategory that’s more of a different genre. If you want to get into rock, you should start with “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust” by David Bowie. This album was released in 1972 and is one of Bowie’s earlier albums. It is an 11-track album with songs like “Moonage Daydream,” “Starman,” “Lady Stardust,” and “Suffragette City.”

  Most people know many R&B albums like “Gemini Rights” by Steve Lacy and “Renaissance” by Beyonce. One Album you might not know is “Ivory” by Omar Apollo. However, most people know the song “Evergreen” by him, but you might not have heard the whole album. To start on the album, you should start with “Bad Life,” “Go Away,” and “Waiting on You.”

  Music taste is very subjective and no two people will have the exact same music taste. Sometimes you will not like something the first time you hear it and other times you will not like it at all. It is, however, always an amazing feeling when you find something you really like.