January Students of the Month

January Students of the Month Sydnee Thueson and David Tessman

  Throughout high school, most students strive to do their best. Student of the Month is a way to honor those hard working students. Sydnee Thueson and David Tessman received Student of the Month honors for the month of January.  

  After working hard these last four years, senior Sydnee Thueson had accumulated a 4.1 GPA. She took many accelerated courses including Pre-Calc, accelerated biology, and numerous more. She also went above and beyond to take seven different AP classes like AP Calculus and AP Psychology. These accelerated and AP courses have taught her to work at a fast pace, which will be useful for further education. Thueson has achieved Rotary Excellence and the honor roll. 

  Thueson is an active and proud member of S.H.S. athletics and clubs. She is on the poms team and is captain of the team. Thueson has also received academic excellence during fall poms season. She has been involved in student council since freshman year and is now student council president. Thueson enjoys being a part of Madrigals, Young Doctor’s League, and National Honors Society. 

  When she isn’t participating in school activities, Thueson volunteers in her church, Hospice, nursing homes, and babysits. She enjoys playing the piano, spending time with family and friends, working at her family’s business, and creating shirt designs. 

  After high school, she hopes to go to BYU for the fall semester where she will continue her academic career majoring in business or in the medical field. The one that she doesn’t choose to major in will be what she minors in. 

  With a GPA of 4.2, David Tessman has challenged himself throughout high school by taking accelerated and AP courses. Some of these classes include Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, Accelerated Algebra, and AP Chemistry. He has been awarded with Rotary Excellence and honor roll. 

   Tessman enjoys being a participant in S.H.S. activities. He plays football, swims, and does track and field. He has gone to state for track and received academic all conference for football. While being a part of robotics, he is also the robotics administrator. He is a member of the Young Doctor’s League. 

  Outside of school, he works concessions, mows the lawn for his grandfather, and volunteers at Wahl. He enjoys spending time with friends, lifting weights, playing games, and exercising. 

  David Tessman plans to attend a four year university while studying health science to either pursue being a physician assistant, physical therapist, or nurse practitioner. 

  Sydnee Thueson and David Tessman are great examples of students who have challenged themselves with tough courses, while also volunteering in the community and participating in many school activities.