Since 2021, S.H.S. Student Council members have attended the annual Trunk or Treat event that the Sterling Police Department has been hosting for children of all ages. S.H.S. staff members and local businesses brought their cars to the police department and decorated the trunks of their cars for the children to come trick or treat at.
This event is held in the City Hall parking lot with tons of games and prizes there as well. The local businesses and people working at the Trunk or Treat, also get to dress up however they please and bring all kinds of candy for the kids.
Student Council advisor Nicole Schlemmer’s take on the preparation of the event was that “it was extremely windy, so our original design with balloon arches did not work out but our students were so flexible and awesome in creating something sturdy but visually appealing.”
Also, the Sterling Police Department had decided to start hosting a costume contest this year, whoever had the best homemade and store-bought costume won. We asked senior David Luna what his favorite Halloween costume was and he said “My favorite Halloween costume that I saw was a family who dressed up as the characters from Scooby Doo.”
Select Student Council members also get to help out with the elementary schools; Franklin and Jefferson’s Halloween parties. Students who got permission from their teachers or have open hours throughout their day, were able to help with the PreK parties for three class periods.
At the elementary schools Halloween parties there was food, goody bags, games, crafts, and more for the students to enjoy. When asked what she enjoyed most about assisting, sophomore Josie Pink said “I loved helping them make their skeletons out of q-tips and spiders out of oreos, pretzels, and m&ms and I also got to see my teacher from when I was in second grade.” The students were also able to dress up in any Halloween costume, as long as it was school appropriate.
Overall, both activities were successful and made Halloween extra special for many kids. Next year, if you decide to join student council, we definitely recommend participating in these fun events!